Rowlings D of Institute for Sustainable Resources, Queensland University of Technology and Grace P of Institute for Sustainable Resources, Queensland University of Technology. Climate data from lychee orchard. Mooloolah, Queensland, 2007-09 [ARC Discovery].
Sub-daily (n=8 samples per day) N2O, CH4 and CO2 fluxes from a lychee orchard in subtropical Queensland. Data was measured continuously from 01 March 2007 to 28 February 2009 using an automated greenhouse gas sampling system.
permission required from data owner
Rank Name | Rank Value | Common Names |
Species | Litchi Chinenis | Lychee |
01 March 2007 - 28 February 2009
3 replicate chambers per treatment located within the dripline of the lychee trees within an 10 m x 10 m sample area year 1 (march 2007 to Feb 2008) consisted of no fertilizer application. Year 2 (1 March 2007 to Feb 2009) consisted of a split fertilizer application of 1000 g N tree-1 year-1 (equivalent to 560 kg N ha-1) applied on the 08.04.2008 and 12.11.2008
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