Kelly K of Future Farming Systems Research Division, Victorian Department of Environment and Primary Industries (Victoria). Nitrous oxide emissions from sludge and dung. Terang, Victoria, 2014-2015 [Theme 1: Inhibitors for reducing emissions].
A study of the impact of the nitrification inhibitor nitrapryin on nitrous oxide emissions from dairy sludge and emissions for dairy cow dung was conducted at Terang in south-western Victoria, Australia from May 2014 - April 2015. Two replicates of the 4 treatments for emissions measurement (Nil addition, Sludge @308 kg N/ha (23 May 2014), Sludge @308 kg N/ha plus nitrapryin incorporated before application (23 May 2014), dung @ 604 kg N/ha in total as 4 dung application times - 23 May 2013 (176 kg N/ha), 22 August 2013 (120 kg N/ha), 12 November 2014 (145 kg N/ha) and 15 January 2015 (163 kg N/ha)as discrete dung pat at each time of application. Measurement system used automated chambers liked to a Fourier Transform infrared spectometer for gas analysis. Daily flux (g N2O-N/ha/day) was calculated for each chamber. Soil water (surface 0-65 mm) and soil temperature (50mm) was measured continuously in each chamber base.. Initial site soil physical and chemical status were defined. Standard meteorological information was collected for an on-site weather station.
July 2012 - January 2013
The treatments were Treatment 1 - nil applied, Treatment 2 - urine @1000 kgN/ha applied 19 September 2013, Treatment 3 - urine @ 1000 kg N/ha applied 19 September 2013 with nitrapyrin sprayed on after application of urine at 1 kg a.i./ha and Treatment 4 - fresh dairy cow dung aiming to apply equivalent to 400 kg N/ha applied as three dung pads as circles each of 0.25 m diameter on 19 September 2013. Nitrous oxide flux was measured in TWO replicates of all treatments.
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